2011년 1월 14일 금요일

One is a further enlargement intermediation

The bottom hair in Guangdong notifies that the main measure that put forward includes:One is a further enlargement intermediation.Insist "prevention is lord, basic is lord, intermediation is lord" principle, pass a specialized intermediation court(room), arbitrate parties appear at court, circuit arbitrate court, actively develop before registering for the record guide intermediation and register for the record behind entrust works like intermediation,etc, guide farmer work with use person is unit in advance intermediation.Intermediation organization to the farmer work wages dispute intermediation after reaching the agreement can guide farmer work and use a person unit application the displacement arbitrate an intermediation book, the labor arbitrament organization wants to immediately carry on a reviewing and gives displacement towards matching condition of immediately.Make exchange to solve don,t become of want to guide application arbitrament in time, arbitrating the organization has to make a verdict in time.

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